Hello, and welcome aboard the journey spanning four years and running that I am calling “Beans’ Bodh Gaya and Beyond.” In 2019 I embarked on this journey and for whatever reason I feel compelled to share some of it, leading up to the COVID summer of 2020. It is a real life story that I believe will offer something to some folks. Through the years my pen has over-flowed with sentiments and attempts to depict my adventures and many knocks on this road. On these pages are reflections of a human life in constant search and transition; a window into the life of a seeker of truth, the experiences and seeking of understanding through what has been a very difficult life. Additionally, to be found here is a lot of information regarding traveling India. This work is about providing me a voice and a place to document my on documenting my experience and views, social commentary and attempts to address issues that I strongly feel are inadequately addressed. There is no profit-making angle here. Here you will also not find thoroughly fact-checked pieces by a paid team. Well, there are no sponsors to offend! Part of adventure and exploration means being ignorant and constantly discovering, within as well as without.
What I am also trying to do here is to reach some like-minded folks and to offer an alternative to false, shallow, catered presentations absent of values designed to get people to do or buy something. I believe that false representations of people and events on the internet have been doing much damage toward the development of the youth and the health of humanity in the last twenty years. Here I touch on topics that interest me and perspectives that have come with exploration. All the work on this site is my own- there is no editorial or tech department.This might lead to a clunky experience for some. Well, I am doing what I can and it is quite a challenge putting all these pieces of this puzzle together, so your understanding is appreciated.
To start the journey, click the next button below for a menu of the Beans' Bodh Gaya and Beyond chapter list. In time also hope to feature some of my other writings, links to video footage from part of the trip, and my artwork. These links lead to this content in the future, I hope.
Welcome aboard! Signed, Ian... aka Beans, aka Mixter E
Click "Next" below for the list of chapters